
Disaster Recovery
Flexible Image Recovery Options

Intronis BMR offers exceptional granularity and flexibility, enabling you to support a wide range of hardware and recovery use cases.

Recover to specific Point in Time to meet unique restore needs
Restore to replacement machine with similar or different hardware configuration
Leverage image backup solution to recover systems to virtual environments
Complete Physical Image Restore Capability
Perform P2P BMR in a WinPE-based recovery environment, which enables users to write Intronis
image backups to physical hard disks. This enables you to provide your clients with three key
types of restores:

1. BMR to like hardware. Recover back to the original system in the event of data
corruption or hard drive failure.
2. BMR to dissimilar hardware. Recover to a replacement machine to address a total system failure.
3. Point-in-Time Restore. Choose to recover to a point-in-time at the volume level, allowing for a large
degree of flexibility when resolving for data corruption or viruses.